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CEO, UpstreamCEO, UpstreamCrystalDreisbachMPH, RPCV<div class="ExternalClass61B70D6C791B47039FDB1DF6A3B3FD71"><p>​Crystal Dreisbach is a reuse pioneer whose life goal is to disrupt the status quo of our throw-away economy. She is in her 13th year of creating solutions that move our society away from single-use and joined Upstream as their new CEO in August 2023. She previously founded Don't Waste Durham in 2013, instigating local and state-level policies against single-use plastics. Crystal envisions an economy that's equitable, sustainable, and fortifies communities. Her accolades include a feature in reputable outlets like PBS and NPR, and the 'Activist of the Year' award at The Reusies® in 2021. <br></p></div>, Crystal Dreisbach


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